LUCA Plus Illustration System Design



7 months


My Role

UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Digital Designer, Illustrator

Project Overview

Over the past three years, I've honed my skills in crafting landing pages and websites for various needs, such as marketing campaigns and enhancing a company's brand impact. This page will primarily feature the different landing pages created for LUCA Plus and its Buy Now Pay Later product, LUCA Pay, as well as its associated web 3.0 project, Abachi.

Improve user conversion rate

Improving user conversion rates is to encourage more users to take desired actions, such as signing up, or engaging with specific features. This involves optimizing design elements, layout, and functionality to streamline the user journey, build trust, and ultimately increase the likelihood of users completing desired conversions.

Enhancing brand impact

Through creating visual and experiential elements that resonate with the target audience, convey the brand's values, and establish a memorable and positive impression, the goal is to strengthen brand recognition, build a cohesive brand identity, and foster a lasting connection with the audience, thereby influencing their perception and loyalty towards the brand.

Design Purpose

LUCA Plus Website Homepage Design

To boost the user conversion rate, I opted for a distinctive approach by incorporating hand-drawn style visual elements for the CTA buttons. This unique design stands out, capturing users' attention and encouraging clicks. Additionally, customized illustrations serve to convey complex information in a visually clear and attractive manner, facilitating customer understanding and fostering an emotional connection with our audience.

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LUCA Pay Landing Page Design

LUCA Pay, a B2B Buy Now Pay Later product within the LUCA Plus ecosystem, maintains a cohesive visual connection with its parent product, LUCA Plus, by incorporating a consistent color scheme and illustration system.The design creates a refreshed, lightweight-looking aesthetic that communicates a sense of reliability and trustworthiness inherent in its Fintech roots.

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Abachi Landing Page and Dashboard Design

Designing for Abachi, a Web 3.0 decentralized finance project merging blockchain tech with traditional finance, I had the freedom to explore unconventional visual styles. With the product aiming to break traditional boundaries, my designs showcase an experimental flair, featuring Swiss-style geometric visuals and a fresh colour scheme and tech-inspired font choices.

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Ethernote NFT Project Landing Page Design

Ethernote is an NFT project branching from the Abachi project above. I crafted several experimental landing page concepts for the client, incorporating dramatic fonts and colors to achieve a bold, exaggerated visual style to reflect the innovative and cool vibe of the NFT concept.