LUCA Plus Illustration System Design



8 months


My Role


Project Overview

As an integral part of brand identification, an illustration system can enhance brand recognition, emotional value, and express the brand's spirit, in addition to the logo, color, and typography. Nowadays, many unicorn companies have developed their own brand illustration systems, such as Atlassian, Xero, and Slack. These systems can deliver information more effectively, improving the breadth and depth of information transmission. Given this background, I took the initiative to lead and advocate for the design of an illustration system for the LUCA Plus brand.


Inconsistent Visual Style
Weaker Brand Identity
Difficulty in Storytelling
Low Design Efficiency

Design Purpose

Improve design efficiency

By deconstructing all illustration elements, designers can combine, upgrade and re-create the illustration components freely under the guidance of standard principles, and create illustrations in line with different scenes at the fastest speed

Stronger the brand image

A strong brand image must communicate the company's message and connect with users so that they can instantly identify it in different media, even away from the company's website and marketing content